Subscriptions Tab

InEight Report lets you subscribe users to different reports, which are saved as views for them to receive directly via email on a scheduled basis.

You must have a saved view to create a subscription.

Subscribing to a report

Subscribe to a report

  1. On the Subscriptions tab, click the Add subscription icon. The Add subscription dialog box opens.
  2. In the subscription overview:

    • Enter a name and description for the subscription.
    • In the Recipient email address field, type the email addresses of all recipients that you want to receive the report. As you type in an email address, a drop-down list shows user addresses in the InEight cloud platform. Select the recipient's email address from the list to include them. If the email address does not already exist in the InEight cloud platform, enter the recipient's email address, and then click Add.

    • Assign an owner to the subscription.

    • Select the Inactivate this subscription check box to suspend the subscription without having to delete it.

    • Click Next.

  3. In the subscription schedule:

    • Select Daily, Weekly, or Monthly in the Frequency drop-down list. Additional fields and check boxes show depending on the frequency you selected.
    • Complete the subscription schedule, and then click Next.
  4. In the subscription views:

    • In the Name field, select a view to include from the drop-down list. To include multiple views in the subscription, click the Add views icon.
    • Select a format from the File type drop-down list to for each view you include in the subscription. Click Finish

The subscription you created will show on the Subscriptions tab. Subscriptions also show in the My Views tab at the bottom of the page when you have a view selected.

Modifying a subscription

Existing subscriptions can be searched for and inactivated, the owner can be changed if the current owner no longer needs it, or the subscription can be deleted altogether.

You must have the permission Edit all subscriptions to modify subscriptions for another user. To change the owner of the subscription, you must have the permission Change subscription owner.

If you no longer need to send out a report via subscription, but might need it later, you can remove the subscription by making it inactive. This is also helpful if you are setting up anticipated subscriptions for a project that might not be starting right away.

Inactivate a subscription

  1. From the Reports page, select the Subscriptions tab.
  2. On the Subscriptions tab, select the check box for the subscription you want to make inactive.
  3. On the left toolbar, click the Edit icon. 

    • The Delete subscription icon removes the subscription entirely.
  4. In the Edit Subscription dialog box, select the check box Inactivate this subscription, and then click Save.

Modify a subscription

  1. From the Subscriptions page, select the check box for the subscription to modify, and then click the Edit Subscription icon to view the report.
    • You can filter by Owner or Active/Inactive to help locate the subscription that you want to modify.
  2. Do the following if there are other users included in the Recipient email addresses field that need to keep the subscription:
    • Delete your email from the Recipient email addresses field, and keep or add other names.
    • Change the owner of the report to another user, if needed and you have the required permission.
    • Click Save.

You can also delete the subscription. Select the subscription name, and then click the Delete icon.

Subscription status by user

If you are receiving daily, weekly, or monthly reports you no longer need, you can easily rectify that. Running the Subscription Status By Users report makes it easy to identify reports you no longer need.

View subscription status by user

  1. From the Reports tab, select the Subscription Status by User report.

  2. If you want to identify individuals who are inactive but still have reports emailed to them, select Inactive for the User Status and Active for the Subscription Status. Leave the remaining fields as the default.

  1. Select a person by their name from the User drop-down list. The report shows the users' email addresses, subscription ID and the name of the subscription.

Last status

The Last status column provides a detailed message if an error occurred in the view when the subscription was last run (see the Last run date column). Click the status link to open the dialog box. The message shows the name of the view and a detailed description of the error when the status is either Failed or Partially Successful. You can then go to the My Views tab to correct any errors indicated in the invalid view.

A Partially Successful status occurs when a subscription is in multiple views but did not fail in all views.